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Project Management

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Project Management


Effective project management (PM) is a highly complex and critical role in all building projects and should never be under-estimated or overlooked.

The role of the project manager is too “look after the interests of the client and deliver upon the expectations established in the agreement”. Yet, this is not all the project manager must do.

The PM must be the key speaker and chief communicator to all parties concerned throughout the entire project. This spans from liaising with industry professionals such as architects and engineers, to council officers and certifiers, through to tradesman and suppliers and stakeholders.

Effective project management is one of due diligence and strategy; it is one of preparation and planning, of negotiator and decision maker, all to serve the best interests of the project in hand.

We have all heard of the 5 Ps – perfect preparation prevents poor performance – however, Red Construction have developed their own system for total project management, that system is called ORGANIC.

Onsite management & coordination of all trades and services.

Review and reconcile all milestones, managing expectations throughout the project lifetime.

Gantt chart scheduling, and amendments for optimum project management.

Approvals and permissions, environmental considerations planning and building authorities.

Numbers and budget for cost control and peace of mind.

Insurance for construction works and warranties.

Compliance and documentation to complete the project.